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"Lights Camera Save" Contest Announced

October 20, 2014

With rising college student loans, it’s more important than ever for teens to be financially fit. How much do today’s teens know about using money wisely? StonehamBank’s participation in the Lights, Camera, Save! national video contest seeks to answer that very question.

“Lights, Camera, Save! empowers young adults to use video in communicating the value of saving and inspire others to become smart money managers,” explained Community Outreach and Social Media Specialist Sharon Iovanni.   “As a community-based bank, we understand the importance of guiding young people towards lifelong savings habits and of encouraging them to think about their futures.”

To participate, students ages 13-18-years-old can stop by StonehamBank or contact  sharon.iovanni at for an entry form and contest details after October 1, 2014. Deadline for submissions is December 1, 2014. StonehamBank will host the first round of judging and will submit one winning video to compete at the national level.  Students can win up to $5,000 to fund their savings goal, plus a scholarship for an educator from their school to attend the Jump$tart National Educator Conference.

In addition to prizes awarded at the national level, StonehamBank will award a $500 cash prize to the student whose video is chosen to be submitted to the national judging round. Complete details regarding the national contest are available at

"This contest is meant to be fun and exciting but when all is said and done, we hope teens will take action and start young to save more,” Iovanni added.

Since 1997, the ABA’s financial education programs have reached some 7.2 million young people with the help of more than 210,000 banker volunteers.  Learn more about the contest at

About StonehamBank

StonehamBank is a full-service community bank offering state of the art products and services to residents and businesses throughout eastern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. In addition to providing progressive products and convenience services, StonehamBank believes in making a difference in the community through its Community Involvement Program and Charitable Foundation. Member FDIC. Member SIF.  Equal Housing Lender.For more information on StonehamBank, please visit or call directly at 1-888-402-2265.


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