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StonehamBank Recognizes Volunteers

September 18, 2013

StonehamBank is proud of our employee team, whose ongoing commitment to volunteerism so strongly supports our priority of Community service! Through August of this year, bank employees have volunteered a total of 803 hours in more than 30 community activities from road races, to community days and dinners to a host of community organizations.

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To date, Loan Closer Processer Judy Jameson has accrued more than 30 hours!  Way to go Judy!

Here's some of the programs we participate in and support with both financial and hands-on commitments:

Stoneham Initiatives

Central School Read Aloud

Alex Devlin, Kathy Shea, Kim Paolillo, Mary Celli, Alex Devlin, Laura Chinappi, Kerry Aponas, Judith Jameson

Chamber of Commerce

Ed Doherty, Sharon Iovanni, Tom Marshall, Lisa Spero

Community Dinner hosted at First Congregational Church

Anita Butler, Joan Barenscheer, Brian Hurley, Dennis Zannoni, Nancy Leahy, Rule Loving, Patti Mathison, Theresa Rivera, Judy Cronin, Judith Jameson, Tricia Martins-Sousa, Cathy Desmarias, Paul Pepper

Helping our Troops Program

Rebecca Scott, Dennis Zannoni

Senior Holiday Luncheon for Stoneham Senior Center

Kim Paolillo, Kallan Smith, Steve Gath, Cathy Desmarais, Michelle Brissenden, Maria Cimina, Joan Barenscheer

Stoneham Theatre

Diane Greene, Anna Dinis, Joe Saling, Judy Cronin, Judith Jameson, Cheryl Siciliano, Nancy Leahy, Patty Quill, Mary Celli, Julie Brickley, Maria Cimina, Andrea Simmons, Kathy Shea, Brian Hurley, Carmela Fieldhouse, Karen Melo, Katie Fitzgerald, John Wilson, Jerry Marcus

Stoneham Town Day

Michael McGrath, Andrea Simmons, Alex Devlin, Rob Berkovitz, Katie Fitzgerald, Debbie Sullivan, Mary Celli, Anna Dinis, Quince Papanastassiou

Stone Zoo

Joan Barenscheer, Joshua Mahoney, Cathy Desmarais, Kim Paolillo, Sharon Iovanni, Michael McGrath, Anna Dinis

Trivia Bee Activity

Cathy Desmarais, Judith Jameson, Quince Papanastassiou, Lisa Limongiello, Mary Celli

Stoneham High School

Michele Fitzpatrick

Cultural Council

Mary Celli

Central School Site Council

Mary Celli

Stoneham Business and Community Educational Foundation  (SBCEF)

Mary Celli

Fuller House Board

Jaquelyn Jackson

Stoneham Rotary

Christine Murphy, Jan Houghton, Chairman Passaro

Stoneham Strong

Shawn Thomas

Billerica Initiatives

Billerica Boys & Girls Club / Pop Warner

Ed Allan

Billerica Farmers Market

Rebecca Scott

Billerica Memorial High School

Dawn Morris

Billerica Scholarship Foundation

Karen Melo, Jamie Murphy

Billerica Rotary

Rebecca Scott, Mini Puri, Joe Smith

Billerica Yankee Doodle Day

Rebecca Scott, Rob Berkovitz, Jamie Murphy, Joshua Mahoney, Debbie Sullivan, Cheryl Siciliano, Karen Melo

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Lowell; Billerica ReStore

Joe Smith, Steve Gath

Woburn Initiatives

Woburn Boys & Girls Club

Ed Doherty, Debbie Sullivan, Kim Paolillo

Woburn Kiwanis

Bob Brown

Woburn Hospice

Bob Brown

Local Initiatives

Baskets for Charity and Hospitals

Laura Chinappi, Dawn Morris, Cheryl Siciliano, Michele Fitzpatrick, Rebecca Scott, Sharon Iovanni, Dennis Zannoni

Blanket Fund

Michael Connelly, Jody Goodwin, Kevin Marquis

Melrose Victorian Fair Day

Carol Nadeau, Lisa Limongiello, Maria Cimina, Judy Cronin

Mystic Valley Elder Abuse, serving the North Shore

Anna Dinis

Job Shadow Day with Shawsheen Tech

Mike McGrath

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